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About Us

Who we are

CARL was very young when his passion for working dogs started.  He was 14 when he got his first terrier which soon became two and even quicker three.  Every waking hour was spent with them. This passion soon grew to adding a small team of Ferrets and a lurcher, all this while still at school, which was of no interest and might explain the poor results! Fast forward many years to 2009 and all the knowledge and experience was brought together to take on the ultimate dream of training gundogs and running a full time business with the family. 

In 2019, KAREN joined the business full time.   She tackles the website, social media and works endlessly in the background.  She has a natural flair and huge love for working with the dogs and helps more than she gets credit for behind the scenes.  Karen is also pretty good at the hospitality side of things!

SAUL – our youngest son and the official Under Keeper is coming into his own now and certainly has a natural ability to work dogs and helps out no end with training. 

On event days we bring together a wider team of family & helpers whose knowledge and expertise in the right areas is invaluable. 

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